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Monday, March 16, 2015

Straw into Gold (Found Poem)

Straw Into Gold ( Found Poem)

Ive managed to do a lot of things in
my life i didn't think i was capcable of.
I've gone to a prestigious unversity
, studied with famous writers and
taken on MFA degree.
I've been to the famous nice flower
market behind the opera house.
Along the way there has been straw
for the taking
With a little imagination it can be 
spun into gold.

MLA Citation

MLA Citation
Lutz, Alma. Susan B. Anthony. Washington DC:  Beacon Press Inc, 1959
 “I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody.” “The sense of independence and security is very sweet” ( qtd. In Susan B. Anthony: Biography).  This quote stood out to me because women are entitled to the same rights and benefits as men especially if she does everything on her own without the help of a man.  In addition this quote caught my attention also because Susan uses irony in the second sentence when she says “the sense of independence and security is sweet.” This is ironic because independence was promised in the declaration of Independence but yet women aren’t treated equal.
2    The day may be approaching when the whole world will recognize woman as the equal of man” (qtd. In Susan B. Anthony: Biography). I found this quote interesting because in the Declaration of Independence it says “all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator unalienable rights” yet women are treated differently and aren’t allowed to vote. Also because in present day women equality has been reached, but yet women are still objectified.
3    “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand” (qtd. In Susan B. Anthony: Biography).  In this quote Susan is saying that women need to become independent and not rely or depend on men to take care of them. Women need to fend and fight for themselves to prove to the sexist men that they are equal. In addition I like this quote because I can somehow feel Susan’s pain and emotions through the words.
4   “There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers” (qtd. In Susan B. Anthony: Biography).I find this quote meaningful because it’s explaining how women won’t be equal until they can be a part of the government make laws, vote for the president, and help change the country. Women won’t feel at one until they are seen as human beings and equals by their male counter parts.

5    The older I get the greater power I seem to have to help the world; I am like a snowball – the further I am rolled the more I gain” (qtd. In Susan B. Anthony: Biography). I found this quote meaningful because it describes the process of aging and how with times and old age comes wisdom. Susan is saying that the older she becomes she learns and absorbs information along the way, information and teachings that she can give to the world. Just like a snowball if rolled it becomes bigger and bigger just like wisdom over time.

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan
   Michael Jordan had a dream unlike any other. Despite all setbacks and discouragement in his life, Jordan managed to push through adversity. The ultimate goal was reaching success. This attitude allowed him to excel as an athlete.  It is important for athletes to establish a proactive mindset. Establishing an ambitious mindset, guided Michael Jordan. A mindset that pushes you and makes you strive and work hard until you can’t work hard anymore. A mindset where you put your body, life, and mind to the point where you feel like giving up and pushing through it.
  When Michael Jordan was cut from his school’s boy varsity basketball team he was devastated. To many athletes this would be a dream killer, this is the point where many people would have quit on their dreams and just given up, but not Mike.  Michael did the opposite he worked even harder at his craft and improve his skills enough to where he could play at the collegiate level. His college coach stated once that “right after their teams finally game of the season the next day Michael was already preparing for the next season” (Coach Dean Smith)he also said that Michael was the hardest worker he’s ever seen or coached.
  I confess I’ve been in a similar situation as Michael and I had somewhat the same mindset as Michael.  In my young “youthful days” I wasn’t very athletic and with that being said I didn’t fit in with a lot of my friends especially when most of them were sports-minded.  I was type of kid to read books, mangas, and draw in the beginning.  At school I would be picked last if I played any sports game with the kids at my school. I would get teased sometimes and ridiculed for being too small or being too skinny or bad at sports.

   One day though the teasing got too me and I realized if I worked hard and try to learn these sports I could be good or even better then my friends or kids that played them.  From then on I began pushing myself in and physical activity I would do. In P.E. instead of taking breaks on pushups or jumping jacks like my peers did when the teacher wasn't looking I did every single one.  When we ran laps on the track instead of walking like my peers did I would sprint or stride till my legs burn I did anything I could to improve my body.  When it came to sports I started becoming better than some of my peers.
  Michael’s mindset was a very inspiring and it motivated to work even harder today.  He didn’t take any shortcuts or breaks to reach his goals and that’s the same mindset I’m going to have. During practice or school I’m going to do and be the best I can be. Nothing’s going to stop me from doing this and reaching my dream. I want to be like Mike.

The Crucible

The Crucible
    In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible John Proctor was a perfect example of a character who constantly and mentally pretends or acts outwardly while questioning inwardly.  These two acts play a big role in John’s actions, as throughout the story he constantly fights with himself whether or not he should put his pride and dignity over his family.    
   John Proctor throughout the story questions inwardly fighting with himself and the secret of the affair with Abigail Williams. His affair with Abigail Williams the niece of Reverend Samuel Parris is eating away at him, and he thinks about it daily. Abigail in the story excuses many people in the town of witch craft including The Proctors wife. She did this for her love for John. John constantly fights himself and contemplates whether he should confess his unholy sin. This secret slowly eats away at John.  He Talks to Abigail and even tries to tells her that nothing happened between them trying to deny the fact that it did . Even when the towns people come to take his wife for trails because Abigail excused her of witch craft John knows his affair with Abigail may be able to save his wife but yet he is still hesitant to tell the Reverends and people of the town over fear of judgment and ridicule.
     Even with this unholy secret hanging over his head John acts as if everything is ok throughout the play.  He behaves and acts like everything is alright, when in reality it’s not. He tends to his farm and cares for his family just like any husband/father would.  He does not inform anyone of his affair with Abigail.  Moreover, John Proctor carries on with his day as if nothing went on between both of them.  The typical man that conforms to the world. A man who puts on a smile for the world and pretends as if everything is great but on the inside knows everything is not.
   These two acts throughout the story, began causing tensions with John’s life. As one tries to dominate the other.  His wife’s life was in danger. With John Proctor’s life in the balance John must battle with himself on whether or not he should confess his affair which might help save his wife or protect his dignity and keep his secret.  Inwardly he questions this while outwardly he is being drained by the thoughts.  The tension causes John to act insane and out of character which looks very bad on his part.  But this tension also builds up to John figuring out what he must do and how he must save his wife by any means necessary even if it costs his own life

Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay

     My vacation was a very dull and timid one.  Most of the days consisted of me sleeping in late and going to bed late.  One thing I can say about my vacation that was enjoyable was when I got my ears pierced.  I’ve wanted to get them pierce for some time now but I never got around to it or had the courage to do it. On my first week of vacation my sister and her friend accompanied me to the Jeweler so I could get them done.  I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous.  I thought it was going to hurt a lot and plus I hated being poke with anything.
  When the woman began cleaning my earlobes i began to sweat and began fidgeting.  I was scared.  The woman then placed a dot on each one of my earlobes as indicator of where to pierce the hole at.  I was afraid she would pierce them unevenly and it would come out looking weird.  When the gun was placed on the first ear my heart dropped I thought I was going to yell loud or start screaming. I braced myself for a pain but all I felt was a little pinch on my ear as if a baby was playing with my ear.  When the woman did the next ear it was just as easy no pain no screams.  I realized I had been scared for nothing.
   After the earrings were in the woman told me to keep them in for three weeks and then I would be able to take them out and put them in whenever I wanted without fear of the hole closing. After  the earring event nothing worth writing happened.  Occasionally I would visit my friend at his house and we would play video games or play pick up football games on the street.  Throughout the vacation though the weather was really hot.  The sun was like lava everyday and I swear I dripped about half an ocean of sweat a day.  I had a math vacation packet due for extra credit so when I was at home I would work on it but doing it bored me sometimes and I would dismiss it until the next day. 
   I can’t blame my dull vacation on lack of activity opportunities or companionship because that was not the case.  I was invited to plenty parties, events, and other things with my friends but for some reason I turned them all down.  I did this because I didn’t feel like going through the process of getting out my bed getting dress and leaving.  I was to comfortable but yet bored at the same time. But I have only myself to blame for the dreadfull weeks which were my vacation.

Virtual Self?

 Virtual Self?
In today's world, it seems like the online world is becoming the real world. More people spend time on technology and devices then living and enjoying the real world.  Sherry Turkle, Ketzel Levine, Janet kornblum, and Mary Beth Marklein are a few people who have recognized this take over and have spoken out against it.  Others may think these women are delusional or may not agree with their sights about the online community. However I agree with these women thoroughly.  Due to personal experiences and witnessing the influence of social media within the larger community population.  

  As human beings today the online world is a major influence and part of our lives. In addition with technology advancing and helping us do things or assisting us we have become more dependent on technology which make us more connected with the online world then our own world. We use the online world as an easy way out of the difficulties in the real world because the easy way is better, safer, less tiring, and easier.  For example , say a child has a hard time making friends or needs someone to talk too.  The hard way for the child would be to keep looking or trying to make friends.  The easy way out would be to just use a computer, phone,etc as a substitute for a companion.  Most kids will choose this easy alternative.  In Sherry Turkles "who am we?", she talks about the internet changing our communities and ability to interact with one another Ms.Turkle states in the text that "we are using life on computer screens to become comfortable with new ways of thinking about evolution relationships, sexuality, politics, and identity . 

  The online world has in many cases created alter egos for us to escape to wherever we want. For example if a child is bullied or abused inside of telling someone or trying to fix their problem they may use the internet as a place to find peace but yet they are still not solving their problem.In Ketzel Levine"s article "Alter Egos in a Virtual World she states that "Long ago the word "avatar" meant " earthly manifestation of god," but starting from the 1980's the earliest day of internet the word "avatar" is now known as "ones digital self."  In her article she gives examples of people who themselves have digital alter egos and the reason behind them.  For example, Jason Rowe, a man who was born with, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a condition that affects all the muscles in your bones and causes them to stop functioning. Despite Rowe's condition he made an avatar for the online game "star Wars Galaxies". Jason stated " my character in the game is alot different from what you see here in real life referring to his condition.  " It pretty much gave me a window to the real world" he also stated. Jason explains" the online community and sense of belonging within the digital real not disabled."

    We are becoming so indulged and caught up in the virtual world that we don't really pay attention to our real world.  Parents these days don't even mention or realize what their children are posting or doing online.  This behavior leads to consequences for both the child and parent.  In Janet Kornblum and Mary Beth Marklein's text " What you say online can haunt you: Schools, Employers, scrutinize social websites such as Myspace and Facebook" they give encounters of people who faced consequences due to their attachment to the online world.  One example was a 16 year old boy in Jefferson, Colorado was arrested after police say he showed pictures of himself on his Myspace page holding handguns.The police found the same weapons at his house and he was charged with three misdemeanors for being a Juvenile in possession of handguns.  Further more, the question i ask my self is, " Where were his parents?"  This child isn't even being watched or monitored for he's doing online.

   I myself cannot deny that i haven't gotten caught up with the online world.  I use the internet about more times a day then i do to study or do homework.  I also have "avatars" from multiple games and websites.  I remember when i first started high school i was so shy.  I wasn't a very good conversation starter and making friends was a hassle for me. To fill that void of loneliness i would always be online on my phone.  Every chance i got i would use my phone completely forgetting or attempting to make any friends.  Many people wouldn't even attempt to talk to me because i was so anti-social.  but one day that changed when i made my first friend their, suddenly i was on my phone and the online world less and less.  I was always occupied or to busy to use it or get on.  Looking back on it today i understand the seriousness of it.  The world is to caught up in this online world that were missing the importance of our own.

    The online world for many people gives the illusion of equality, dream reaching and reality defying, but in all light of it all its just an illusion.  We are becoming more of an avatar then and less of a human being.  We are using the online world as a place to find companionship, make money, defying reality and etc not even attempting to try it in the real world.  The online world is becoming the real world and the "real world" is becoming a hassle or distraction to us, because who wants to be Peter a worker at Jack in the Box who gets paid minimum wage when in another world you can be "the Destroyer" a knight in medieval times that fights evil, collects gold coins and has three wives.  The choice is obvious just because it seems like the easy way out.

What is an American?

What is an American?
Many people have their opinions on what an American is.  Some may think Americans are sloppy, loud, and money hungry people, while others might  think of them as strong, fearless, and lion-hearted people.  However, in my eyes an American is someone who is independent and not held down or oppressed.  An American is someone who if the time comes will stand up and put their life on the line for their country.  But not for their family , and the people they love, but for the pride and honor of their country.  Through the years, Americans have gone through a lot, from 9/11 attacks to the Sandy Hook shooting.  
 In a time of great depression and distress, American have always found a way to come together as one with a common goal.  As a nation we have always found a way to prevail.  We stand proud for our red, white, and blue.  Our American national anthem highlights our fighting spirits and will to move forward. More over an American is an individual who believes in charity, and extends a helping hand, without a second guess.

 Years ago, when a tsunami hit Japan and the Japanese were left with nothing, we as Americans came together to aid the wounded and assisted those starving and hungry.  We came to the rescue without a second guess, because we know that if we were in the same predicament as them others would come to our aid.  It would be inhuman to not help our fallen brothers in their time of need.  Being an American is a privilege and an honor to me.  It makes me feel as if I'm lucky to be one.  Many people out there want to be an American citizen.  Some go to great lengths to have that title.  People without American citizenship have to take tests and etc just to be an American.  This process takes years just to complete and yet those people will wait years still.

    I don't know about you but being an American tome is like being a celebrity.  We are mention in all of histories records as heroes, leaders, and etc.  Most of histories greats were Americans no matter the color, race, ethnicity, and religion.  But don't think I'm not going appreciation or credit to those greats who weren't Americans because that's not what I'm aiming for here.  I just want people to see and understand my view on what an American is.

   An American to me is someone who understands the privileges they have for being one.  In addition an American to me is someone who no matter the circumstance will find a way to prevail through and situation.  If that situation becomes bigger then yourself there is always someone by your side to lend a helpful hand.  An American is everything our country itself stands for.  That is what an American is to me.