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  • Finals Part: 1 - When I was in the 7th grade, I experienced true terror. Near my neighborhood, there was a firearm incident. I'd hear the gunshots as I was sitting at home ...

Thursday, November 20, 2014



There are a lot of experience in my life that have changed and mold me into the person i am and will become.  Out of those experience the most important one was witnessing the death of someone.  This experience was life changing and dramatic that I still think about to this day.  It's memory will forever be stuck in my heart.  It was a life lesson experience

It happened on a Friday night.  My friend and I were waiting at the bus stop after a long day at school and football practice.  It was very cold and it was about 7o'clock.  We were discussing how our football team was coming together and how our season was going to be.  about 30 minutes into the conversation the bus finally arrived.  As we entered the bus the driver informed us that the bus was on detour. My friend and I both moaned in disappointment knowing that because of the detour it world take even longer for us to get home.  To add unto our bad luck the bus was crowded, which meant we had to stand up.  This really annoyed both of us. 

while on the bus my friend decided to put his earphones in leaving me with no one to talk to.  I figured he was probably steamed about having to stand.  Without anyone to talk to my eyes wandered outside the window.  I watched the store lights move in a blur as the bus drove by them kind of getting lost in the scene.  Even through I had to stand I started feeling less and less annoyed as the bus drove.  A few minutes later I noticed that the bus was beginning to slow down at another stop.  while still gazing out the window out of no where I saw a woman running across the street pass moving cars towards the bus and behind was a little girl doing the same.  Then in the blink of an eye , i watched as a white pickup truck came speeding down the street and hit the little girl!

As I replayed the incident in my head now it seemed so surreal.  When the pickup truck hit the little girl i watched her body fly across the street and her body rolled underneath a parked car.  Everyone on the bus turned their attention outside.  The bus came to an abrupt stop, causing some people to topple over one another.  Then someone screamed "she's dead" out loud. Immediately, the bus driver began talking into a walkie talkie and informed the person on the other end that there was an accident.  The bus driver also informed everyone on the bus that he could not move the bus until the police arrived because he was a witness to the accident.  Still looking out the window, i saw the white pickup truck speed off, leaving the scene of the crime.  Immediately everyone began rushing off the bus and joined  the crowd outside that had formed around the scene.  Unknowingly realizing our mistakes, my friend and I joined the crowd and pushed around to get to the front. 

   The scene I witnessed was horrific.  The little's girls body was sprawled out underneath the wheel of a parked car.  Her legs and hands were the only visible body parts sticking out.  The pool of blood streamed out and engulfed the little girl's body.  The woman I had seen running across the street was beside the body crying in tears.  People were looking underneath the car attempting to talk to the little girl.  My heart dropped in my chest and I could barely breathe.  I turned around to look at my friend and a look of horror was on his face.  A few minutes later I found out from a bystander in the crowd that the crying woman was the little girl's mother.

  Moments later, the fire department arrived with LAPD and the ambulance.  Four firefighters rushed to the girls side trying to talk to her and get a response.  The girl gave no response but her arms and legs were moving a little.  The medics also rushed beside the girl's body with a stretcher.  The group of law workers discussed how they were going to move the girl's body without harming her in any way.  Suddenly, the girl's body began jerking violently.  The medic began saying "she's going into shock."  I couldn't take it anymore it was too much for me to watch.  I told my friend that we should leave and catch another bus and he agreed.  An hour later we caught another bus home.  The bus ride home was really quiet I couldn't think straight I was filled with dread and pain.  The whole weekend I kept replaying the scene in my head as if it were an imagination or dream.  When Monday came I decide to go back to the area where the crime happened.

  Everything looked the same except one thing that made my heart stop and drop in my chest.  On the side walk next to the area where the body was, was a collection of candles and posters.  I had seen this type of thing on the news whenever someone died it was in remembrance of the person who died.  There were pictures of a little girl which i'm guessing was the little girl who had been hit.  In the center of the whole collection was a big picture with the little girls face on it were the words "Janae" with the dates 2003-2014.  This little girl was only 11yrs old and her life was taken away in an instant.  From that day forward, I realized that life can be sort and yours can be taken at any moment.  So I have to live my life to the fullest and appreciate every single moment of it.  In addition, this experience also taught me not to take life for granted.



  1. Great use of vocabulary. Great way of thinking

  2. I like your ideas on the virtual selves essay and you explained your thoughts very well and backed them up with evidence

  3. your autobiography was very descriptive. really good job on explaining every single detail of your childhood
